In book news, the edits for Ella steam ahead. It won't be long before I can give a more exact idea of when I'll be releasing the book.
Speaking of Ella, did you all see the new blog location and new ghost chapter posted yesterday? Here is a small sample and link.
A sedan with dark tinted windows stop behind the news truck. Marcus steps out with three other agents while the cop clutches my arms. Neighbors come out onto porches to stare and gawk as the cuffs dig into my skin.
Marcus says something I can't hear to the policeman, who proceeds to release me from my restraints.
"But, she can't go into the house until I get word from the station," he says before storming off in anger. These local vs fed pissing contests do not amuse me.
I shrug and turn away from the house, facing the graveyard. If I can't go into the house, I will know who is buried in this cemetery. Taking the last few steps to cross the street, I lift the latch on the fence and enter.
The name Holden adorns each of six identical headstones in two rows of three. I do not recognize the names in the first row, so I move to the second. Placing my hand on the first headstone, I stop.
Be watching for the next installment, which will be posted this weekend. Will we meet more ghosts in the next chapter...or will we meet
A Dragon.
Soon we shall see,
From Las Vegas,
Stephen John Moran