When will women be able to decide the fate of women? How long before America achieves equality?
The issue at hand doesn't matter - five men decided on whether women can get birth control. Men have always thought they should be in control of these decisions. They have always been wrong. Male dominion over women is ending. Be on the right side of history. ![]() This disgusting serial rapist is being freed from jail into a residential community. He was released in the past on parole and immediately violated it and another woman. This isn't a man that should be free. Post by Ella Thomas. George bought me something to wear while I cook. He is going to teach me to bake cookies. Isn't he a doll?
He assures me that learning to bake will catch me a man. I sure hope so because honestly, I don't know how I'll survive unless I find a man to give my life meaning. The FBI shows its incompetence at every turn. This article may be a shock to the men out there, but women know how often the male dominated justice system can let them down. As in --
Almost EVERY FUCKING TIME. A woman can't trust the justice system. Not while men control every aspect, from investigation to judgment to incarceration. It's still a man's world and rapists are roaming the streets. We need to elect a majority of women to power to change this system. That or... to all the rapists: I'll be seeing you. In all your familiar places. CHAPTER 112 HANNIBAL'S WORD Cupping Hannibal's face within weathered hands, mother exclaimed, "It is you! I wasn't convinced the man I'd met and spoken to was Hannibal Lecter. From your crimes, I wouldn't think you could be capable of the compassion you've shown." READ THE REST HERE
Thousands descend on Vegas this weekend in search of adventure. Some will find it and others will meet disappointment.
For a lucky few males, you might get to meet me. I'll be seeing you, in all my familiar places. Can there be anything more amazing to watch than two killers bickering like an old married couple? No, there isn't anything more amazing. Enjoy this perfection. It is all official now - as of final trading on Wall Street today, all of my shares in Apple have now been transferred to George. With this act, I believe I have created a first in this world - A Billionaire Butler. I had to fix the error of the Holdens - never having paid the man a wage.
Money can't express my gratitude to George for all he means to me, but it's a start. Dearest George - Take a vacation. |
November 2018