I can finally - after a year of delay - report to my readers that the special edition of The Terrorist of Providence Street - Server, is almost ready. The text is complete and all that remains are a few bits of publishing red tape.
For a long time I referred to the upcoming release Server as the special edition of The Terrorist of Providence Street, but more aptly - it's the complete edition. As some that follow this page know, I had a computer crash a few years back that erased/destroyed some of the stories from Server - including the title story.
Faced with that, I released the collection under a new name and a new vision - The Terrorist of Providence Street. However, the complete edition became possible when a long-time reader found hand written versions of Day Adventure with Monkey and Edmund - two of the three missing stories from Server. All that was left to complete the book was to re-write the title story Server.
That proved to be no easy task. I re-wrote the story no less than ten times, but none of the new versions captured the feel of the original. Finally, I had something of a eureka moment. I stopped trying to re-write the story from memory and simply wrote a new version. How can you truly re-capture the feel of a story nearly 20 years old? Likely you can't. So, a new version of the title story will lead the collection.
I have two questions for readers. Do you want me to add bonus content to the back of Server? Perhaps a short story or essay? Second - Shall I release the three stories that complete The Terrorist of Providence Street in a separate volume so those that bought the original can purchase the missing content without having to buy Server? Let me know your thoughts.
As for the timetable for publication - Server is in the last formatting stages. All that remains is deciding if I'm adding a bonus story (or two perhaps). This book will be available within a month.
Thank you to all the readers that helped shape this book - from reading stories or giving opinions on covers on Facebook/Twitter. I truly hope you enjoy the complete edition.
Have a great Sunday,
Stephen John Moran