To all Americans,
It seems almost daily we have news of another mass shooting. The news push various agendas and find someone to blame. On one day they say it was a lone wolf. Other times they call it a hate crime. In some circles they call these maniacs domestic terrorists. All the terms and blame circles around and in the end nothing is done. It's because we don't confront the real problem. Guns are the problem. It's not the crazies. Europe has crazies, but they don't have the level of murder and mass-shootings we have in America. Australia banned guns and violence plummeted. Compare the level of gun violence in America to all the other advanced nations of the world - we have a dramatically higher level of murder/mass-shootings than all of them COMBINED. Let me say that again - There is more murder in America than all the other advanced nations combined. It's time to change that. Our streets are awash in guns. That is the problem. Stop blaming crazies. It's not crazies. The facts tell us a different story. It's the guns. I don't claim to have all the answers. I just know that until we start having an honest conversation about the real and root cause of the problem, we will never change anything. I was pleased to find the newest book from Z. R. Southcombe in the mail and can't wait to read and review this for the blog.
View this book on Amazon to purchase the e-book or buy the paperback directly from the author's website. Visit the author's website HERE.
Last evening I tweeted this picture my wife took of holding the baby while I watched THE PROFIT on CNBC. The tweet garnered some 30+ RTs and many favorites and is my most successful tweet ever by Twitter measurements.
A sum total of 18,000 people saw my tweet. To put that in perspective, there are over 235 million active users of Twitter each month. To throw water on my own humble-brag party, essentially NOBODY saw my tweet. There is no 'easy' path to success. I hear so many talking about 'viral' moments on social media and think somehow that if the right person RT's them or posts about them on Facebook - magic will happen and suddenly they will be famous. It doesn't work that way. There is no easy path. You have to get lucky, yes, but you also need to work it like a job, pound away each day. Clock in, get ready to work and work and work. If that doesn't sound appealing to you, don't indie publish. Don't fall under the delusion people are getting 'viral' lucky out there. Produce quality books. Keep expanding your connections and social media reach. It's a long game. Think marathon, not sprint. The question to ask yourself as an indie - Are you in it for the long term or are you just hoping to get viral lucky?