For all those out there that harp on the online poker is rigged chorus - look at this hand dealt at live poker in Las Vegas. Not only is it AA, KK, QQ dealt in the same hand pre-flop - the FLOP is A, K, Q - seriously, this is a totally rigged hand!!!
How crazy is this though? It's about as classic a TV/Movie style all-in cooler you can get. And oh, the guy with AA makes QUADS on the river. Just that. WATCH THIS SEGMENT from Last Week Tonight With John Oliver - and then call this number 1-800-this is legal 1-800-844-7475 This is the funniest phone call you will EVER make. Click the picture to visit the website. The donations are real and go to Doctors without Borders, a worthy cause. Calling All Indie Writers - Join My Paperback Bundle Giveaway - Donate a Paperback Novel @SeanHoade8/17/2015 I have received a review copy of Sean Hoade's latest novel - CTHULHU ATTACKS - BOOK 1 : THE FEAR and I've decided to have a paperback bundle giveaway extravagance for readers of my blog. I'll be adding a copy of my novel, ELLA, to the giveaway and I'm asking any indie writers that want to jump in on this to donate a paperback copy of a novel to beef up this giveaway. To any that donate - you'll get an blog post exclusive for your novel with links to your Amazon page/author page and other relevant details.
To any indies that want to join in - message me, comment on this post, or e-mail me at [email protected] Thank you for considering and I hope you have a great evening. To my readers - I will make sure there are at least five indie novels in the paperback bundle pack and will post details about how to win in the coming days. Good luck!
I've posted on this blog about how I'm trying to achieve a 'new level' experience in story by providing more than simply a 'novel' for readers to enjoy. I attach music and images that support the story and also try to perform a live rendition and telling of the story on social media. Well, LC Moon's A BEDTIME STORY is that next level piece I've been attempting to create. The seamless weaving of multiple media to create one whole in this project is amazing. I highly encourage my readers to check out this project. Click the book picture to visit the Amazon page to view the author's page. And please check out the YouTube video - one warning: This video is NSFW and for adults only. That shouldn't be much of a problem with my audience for obvious reasons. However, don't open at work!! Visit the website to learn more about the project HERE
Please take the time to watch this video. Feel free to comment on the video page found HERE. If you have any thoughts you want to share with this page, please do so as well. Thank you for taking the time to watch the video. I present it without my thoughts or commentary - I want all to form opinions free of my *spin*. Have a great afternoon.