Check out the Deviant Art page for Artist Hubert Buras.
LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF BERNADETTE CYNTHIA HEALY EPISODE 12 PART 2 I want to call both of them to let them know what I've found so far, though I know that will be breaking our arrangement. Keith will probably be the only person I can speak to about this whole matter; Polly may feign interest and there will be moments when she does care, but the life and dramas of her own children will be of greater importance, as they rightly should be. Anything should be more important than a dead lady's vengeance.
More than anything I wish for Jonathon's opinion. He always knew what questions to ask and where to look next. He was tactful and subtle, whereas I lacked the obvious charm and would bulldoze into situations rather than wait for the opportune moment. I try and think about all the information that I have and wonder 'what would Jonathon do'? It's rather unnerving to have to think about two people who were such a big part of my life, whether I wanted them there or not, and how I have outlived both of them. Is this God's idea of a joke? Is this allowing me the opportunity to say 'I won'? Honestly, I feel betrayed that both Jonathon and that woman have dared leave me in this world alone, when they are most likely together. I can remember when I first heard the rumours about Jonathon having an affair. We were both supposed to be at an office party, we were celebrating our tenth anniversary since the firm opened and had invited all our colleagues and friends to a large party in the city. It didn't occur to me that Jonathon wouldn't be late; he worked so hard that I was used to starting things without him (a far cry to his more punctual days when we were courting!) but he was doing good work and I enjoyed playing at hostess. I remember walking up to a group of wives, none of whom worked and all of whom couldn't believe that I did. It was still rather unconventional for a woman to take a managerial role even in the early 1960s, and because of this I always felt somewhat of a pariah, though I enjoyed being able to ignore their jibes. This time, however, I couldn't ignore their conversation as I sidled up closer to them. 'She has no idea about the entire affair, and she thinks he husband is a saint.' 'I've heard her go on and on about the good work that Jonathon does and all I want to do is shake her and tell her what an idiot she's being.' 'But I suppose that's what you get when you try to fit into a man's world. She's naïve enough to think that her life is perfect, and one of these days she'll find out that it's not. It'll be an interesting to watch it topple.' 'Clara! You're terrible to say such things...' Their voices droned on, high pitched giggling drowning out the rest of their vapid conversation, but I could hardly focus on anything else other than what I'd heard. They surely couldn't mean MY Jonathon. There wasn't a chance that my husband was having an affair. He loved me and our children and our work... But who else could they be talking about? The USA struck in the first minute with a shocking goal from Clint Dempsey - then tried to play hold the lead for the balance of 90 minutes. It didn't work and Ghana looked ready to win when it struck the match equal with a goal in the 82 minute from André Ayew But, the USA simply decided not to lose. Watch the winner from a set piece. Post by Bleacher Report. You can read the first two posts on the June Writing Contest Here and Here.
The Basics - 1k words of Original Fiction. Bring your killers and madmen. We have reached the halfway mark of the first monthly writing contest for Moran Publishing. There are still two weeks to submit. Here is an update on how the contest is progressing. I have received many submissions and have sent thank you notes to all. There was one story that got deleted in G-Mail. If you submitted, but didn't receive a thank you- it unfortunately was your story that got deleted. Please re-submit with my apologies. A general note to all submitting - I've loved the stories, but stress to all - please carefully read the stories of my narrators. I plan to market the winner of the June Writing Contest with the first e-book offering from Moran Publishing - Ella. Bottom line - know what the Ella 'content' is all about and tailor your submission to match. I had a conversation with an author about what this means and I'll give you the gist of that talk. Think of it in a Jazz way - the 'keywords' of your story need to be in the same musical 'key' as mine or cross-marketing will be a fail. As a small publisher, my resources are scant and the content I post must work double duty. If you have any questions about how to better position your story for success, feel free to DM, e-mail or otherwise contact me. Have a great evening, From Vegas, Stephen John Moran ![]() I simply know some of my readers will enjoy this book. Erica knows how to tell a good story and I thoroughly enjoy how she spins words that amuse and entertain. This novel is perfect summer beach reading with parts romance, adventure and lighthearted comedy. Take this e-book with you on vacation! Please follow her excellent blog found on her website. For a quick mini-contest - a certain narrator will give the clue how to win a free e-book copy of this book. Yes, this means only someone that actually reads my blog will win - and that's the point. I want to thank one of the many loyal readers that come here each day. Stay tuned and watch for the clue. Post by Erica Lucke Dean. In addition to my giveaway, there is a contest on GoodReads with autographed copies to be won!!! Find the details here.