For the grisly entertainment part of the morning - I give you all the deaths of the first three season of Game of Thrones Television show. Enjoy!!! Post by Sandor Clegane. This should be entertaining. Let's hope Lars can keep up with Will, though it doesn't look like Lars believes he can!!! Read the funny Facebook status update posted by Metallica from Lars. This challenge is ON!
Breaking Political News: Eric Cantor loses in #GOP Primary to #TeaParty Candidate Dave Brat6/10/2014 The media obsesses about foreign terrorists and all but ignores the domestic threats we face every day. The domestic terror attack in Las Vegas underscores a massive problem in America - a small, crazy group of gun-nuts that refuse to join modern society. How do obviously unbalanced people get guns and how can we stop it? Can anyone honestly watch that killer speak in those videos posted from his Facebook and NOT think he was a lunatic that shouldn't own a gun? That's not Monday Morning has a point...many heard this man spouting anti-government/anti-cop hate AND threats yet somehow he came to have weapons and committed grave crimes with said weapons. What more can be done? Here is the question of the day over at Ralston Reports. Post by Ralston Reports. In a more general way - what can be done to lessen gun violence in America? Failure isn't an option, we must make progress. "This is the way it's always been done" isn't good enough anymore. We don't have to simply accept a certain amount of random gun violence as 'part of our freedom'.
We can cut gun violence. One step at a time. First, we must get the money out of the question... because here is the truth to take with you today: We (the great majority of Americans) DO agree on guns. It's a few rich assholes buying Washington that stand between us and progress. The Domestic Terror Attacks in Las Vegas are not the price of Freedom. I won't accept that BS politics. There will be more on this issue later. From Vegas, Stephen John Moran Post by Ralston Reports. I do believe politicians supporting the #BundyRanch situation helped stoke the flames of this violence. In full disclosure, here are my tweets to Senator Dean Heller of Nevada (my senator). |