I hit a milestone- 30k words. Though I can't say I'm on solid ice with the plot of LITTLE BLACK BOOK, the word count keeps rising.
You need to write 1667 words over the 30 days of National Novel Writing Month to finish a 50k word manuscript in the time allotted. For the first time, I am back on pace. However, as I read over the draft to date, I see it's quite likely that 50k words will not be enough to complete this story. What happens then? I'll return to that question.
LITTLE BLACK BOOK could be my tenth finished novel. That fact occurred to me as I prepared for my morning writing session. A problem with that tally? Some of the novels are lost/destroyed. Do they still count? You be the judge.
To all the writers taking part, don't give up on your vision and keep slamming the keyboard. Write and write and don't stop to take prisoners.
Back to my question--- 50k words won't finish this novel---what then? I don't know the official protocol, but here is what I'll do-
I will finish, trying to keep the same pace established during this month. I'll simply figure out how much more it will take to finish and arrive at a new target date. Perhaps two weeks will be needed. I'll let you know when cross that bridge.