Today starts with something that rarely happens - Republicans and Democrats agreeing on something. Yesterday, at the Benghazi hearings in Washington, Hillary Clinton embarrassed the Republicans. Or rather, the Republicans embarrassed themselves and Hillary was a bemused spectator watching their implosion happen from a front row seat. I can't think of any possible way the GOP could have looked worse yesterday, but give them a few days - I'm sure they will think of something.
In book news, I sketched out several chapters yesterday in preparations for the big re-write of Preface to a Suicide for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I believe I'll be ready a week from now at the kick-off and hit the ground running. 50k words in a month? I've done it twice before and will do it again!! Positive thoughts on this one.
In stocks, Google beat estimates and is surging to new highs this morning. It's lifting the entire tech sector, including Apple. There is a broad based rally going on and anyone that owns stocks will see lots of green in their portfolios this weekend. McDonald's continues to rally post-earnings, cementing the big move from yesterday. So much for the company going out of business. Guess that writer missed the mark. Just a bit.
That's all for now.
From Vegas,
Stephen John Moran