Last evening the Republicans had the latest debate in Boulder, CO. First, America was treated to the kiddie table debate - four also ran candidates polling at less than one percent. Why are those candidates still in the race? I won't waste time listing their names or issues as none of these candidates has a chance at the nomination.
The main event pitted ten candidates off in a CNBC moderated debate. From the start and a theme that continued all night, the GOP candidates attacked the moderators for...asking questions. Many times the candidates challenged the facts presented by the moderators, especially Donald Trump and Ben Carson. However, today - upon the light of day offering the benefit of fact checking - the moderators were indeed correct about Trump's immigration plan and Carson's tax plan.
I believe Marco Rubio won the night with a direct hit on Jeb Bush. Bush attacked Rubio for his lack of votes as a Senator during the campaign and Rubio hit back with "You didn't say anything when John McCain was missing votes to campaign. You're only saying it because we're both running for the same office and someone convinced you that attacking me is going to help you." It wasn't a good moment for Jeb. Campaign over in my opinion. The only one that doesn't know it is...Jeb.
Ted Cruz scored points with the conservative crowd by attacking the 'liberal media', but failed to make any points against an actual candidate in the race unlike Rubio (and his take down of Bush). Cruz might want to focus on someone running for President. Beating on the same old tired horses of conservative wrath (liberal media, wasteful spending, and PC college attitudes) won't actually help him secure him the nomination.
In baseball news, the Kansas City Royals erupted for 7 runs to defeat the New York Mets in game two of the World Series 7-1 to take a 2-0 lead in this best of seven fall classic. Can the Mets overcome the blown save from game one and make a comeback in this series? I don't think so. That was their 'moment' and the blown save by Familia will haunt the Mets. Kansas City smelled blood last night and attacked the Mets and ultimately blew the game open. Look for the Royals to win the World Series.
Finally, in book news - I'm making final preparations for NaNoWriMo. This will not be a small undertaking as I'm going to 'switch' narrators from Ella to Ray - the first switch I've made in three years. It will mean that there will not be new Ella installments for some time. Also, as I've not written from Ray's POV in eight years I do not know how well I'll be able to 'pick up the narrative' so to speak. This should be an interesting experiment to say the least. Can I find Ray's voice again after such a span of time? We shall see.
From Las Vegas,
Stephen John Moran