The One Percent are stealing it all. Since the 70's - real wages have been stuck even while productivity and profits have doubled. I hear workers tell me all the time - I feel like I'm doing twice the work for the same money - and LITERALLY, you're right. The company you work for is literally getting you to do twice the work for the same money as workers did 40 years ago.
Once upon a time in America - wages went up with PRODUCTIVITY. As in - merit based raises. If I made a company more money - they would be interested in giving me a raise to keep me employed. That has all but disappeared in this country. Wages are stagnant and have been for decades. Corporate balance sheets swell with cash and profits, almost none of which is shared with employees.
Executives and a handful of 'important people' in a company receive nearly ALL the compensation. America can't continue in this fashion. The bottom will drop out - as in - the working poor. The working poor are barely holding on. Having not received raises in many years - a good number rely on food stamps, which are also being slashed.
We can't have an economy that just works for a few percent. That will lead to collapse. People hate government regulation, but corporations need to be and have always needed to be checked. They don't have the needs of Americans on their minds - they are after profits. Never forget that.
And no - neither party in American politics offers an answer. Both are 100% owned by big business and dedicated to screwing the working poor. This is what we need to change.