Good Morning readers,
This will be a multi part post about my writing year and the status of things at Moran Publishing in general. First - I want to thank everyone that follows this blog. It's amazing how much this blog has grown in one year. All the way back - 12 months or so ago when I started this - I saw a few folk a day - and now it's grown into a small crowd of folk. I hope you find entertainment and useful information on stocks and sports.
This year has been a crazy journey - with the big writing highlight the publication of my first book, ELLA. After over two decades of writing and publishing short stories, I finally have my name on a novel - the dream is a reality. Though, I have to say - some days it STILL doesn't feel real.
I know the writing life isn't easy. And to all the independent writers out there, the biggest thing you're gonna need is patience. You aren't going to build a base of readers over-night. Worry more about your craft than blog hits. Yes, we all love when people visit the blog and even more when there are comments and interactions. However, you must continue to improve and learn your craft. Focus on the writing- not on trends and 'how to sell a million books.'
I would say this to all artists - put yourself out there more. Interact, be social - there is a big world waiting to read your stories, see your art, listen to your music. However, sitting back and waiting for lightning to strike isn't a business plan. Make contacts with other indie artists, - form a network of like-minded small-business people and get the ball moving. In a very cliche way - SEIZE THE DAY.
Don't tell me you're going to do a,b,c tomorrow - start the journey right now. Pick up your pen or your guitar or your brush and get to making art. Life is busy passing you by...grab it.
So, tell me - what can you do TODAY to jump-start your dream?
From Vegas,
Stephen John Moran
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