The quote that I wished to share with my readers is as follows from Mr. Cook.
"I'm proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me."
The reason I share this as follows
1) The very fact that Mr. Cook must make an 'announcement' and confirm/deny rumors about his sexuality means we still have a ways to go in the fight for equality. In my own personal life - there wasn't a moment I needed to pull my parents aside and also pen an op-ed in the school paper to announce - Folks, "I'm straight!!!."
2) People have asked - what does this mean for Apple?
You mean as a company? Nothing. Zero. Apple's CEO is gay. The world won't stop spinning, nor will the sun explode. It's only a story because America has yet to achieve equality.
Hopefully, soon we will and there will be a day when this news story isn't necessary.